Feel your temperature rise with the dynamic, fully choreographed performances by this internationally acclaimed male revue show as they tease with impressive physiques, a great sense of humour and oodles of sex appeal in solo performances and group routines during a sizzling hot 75-minute show. Lucky ladies at the show can also get up “close and personal” with these gorgeous hunks as audience interaction is part of the THUNDER experience.
The ever-popular troupe has performed to rave reviews and screaming female fans with thematic uniform ensembles from fireman to naval officer, and risqué dance moves that will spark off any woman’s fantasy.

The ticket price is quite steep starting on SGD 65. What the heck... and given it's location in Singapore, I'm quite sure these "hunks" won't strip down to bare and I dare to bet, you will only be able to see and won't be able to do the touching.
But the question is why men? From the first time I arrived here, I always have the feel that mostly the women here are out of shape and out of face (seriously, Indonesian girls are lot lot more prettier). Perhaps it has connection with porky diet here. They eat pork better than me!
In my dirtiest imagination: I went to a date with girl, and later on she ate bak-ku-teh and we did french-kissing afterwards <-- lost consciousness.
And for the men? I have to admit there are quite number of good featured men. The most famous one (and the hottest) could be Allan Wu, as the host of AXN's Amazing Race Asia. In Indonesia, when I went to gym and the Amazing Race Asia was being shown in the television, the girls were gossiping, wishing the host would loose the shirt =D. Notty.... I like that!
So why they need to import "hunks" from Australia? Weird...
And the other news from the land of the rising sun. It is another case with amateur documentary video, much similar like house of representative's member case in Indonesia. The country was shocked due to this scandal and more importantly because of the "interesting size" of -you-know-what-.
The star from the land of the rising sun is MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter Hayato "Mach" Sakurai. The news can be seen here. It is said that he slept with three different women, none of them were his wife. Super notttty (and hot also)...... It is the definitely the reason why men want to get married: so he can bang other women, since the rush is irreplacable!
For me myself, I wonder... if he really perform martial art style even in bed (and I can learn the trick of trade... hahahahaha). But for my disappointment the answer is no (still can find the video "floating" in P2P network).
Moral of the story is: learn from Sistic! I think I can figure out why we were failed in the past (applicable to number of friends). It is the business stupid!