Am I otaku? Sigh... let's just say I have in depth knowledge in some anime, manga (and hentai) story particularly the ones with gore, violence, mystic and mecha themes, and consequently I really say no no to the ones with moe moe theme (including moe-hentai..yuks!). Up until now I can communicate and joke well to fellow otaku, although I do not share common interest in geeky look. And I always think gothic-loli as very cool, kawai and sexy! My favorite in every cozplay (step aside all you Clouds, Yunas, Sakuras, etc)!
Until now, for some time I find it is difficult to communicate to generation after me about how amazing Evangelion is. I mean the series is AMAZING, almost on par with legendary Doraemon. I still remembered when I was young (junior high) how the series messed up with my notion about Angels (Angels are bad..bad..bad), and also the series left me desperate with such an unclear ending (the original Evangelion). And then came The End of Evangelion when I was in early years of high school. Still remember the original disc came in mini disc since it contains only two episodes.
The original series comes with amazing music composition (Cruel Angel's Thesis and Komm Susser Todd), and I like how they play with Judaism theme (only Japan can do this!). On top of it is the story which is strongly interwoven, unusual, but personally I can relate to it. For me the story is about loneliness. How it is extremely difficult to find someone that understand one completely. How we all want to be loved and had some attention. But every time we open ourselves or try to show affection to others we end up being hurt. Strange story for a mecha anime. But very true indeed.
When I watched Evangelion 2.0, I felt the gloomy atmosphere was slightly lifted. I was shocked and delighted at the same time watching Shinji smiled when he met his two friends. It seems suddenly Evangelion turned out to be more cheerful, and relationship is clearly pictured.
Musically, I love how the producer choosed to leave out the past and forge a new legend. "Today is the Time for Goodbye" and "Give Me Wings" will clearly be this generation' favorite.
Otaku-ally, what the hell happened with Kaworu Nagisa? He seems to know Shinji (from Evangelion 1.0) And the red stripe on the moon (Rei' blood from The End of Evangelion)? And the red sea (the original Evangelion' sea color is blue)? And two S2 engines on Unit 01? Does it mean no more Unit 00? And two more Angels? Arrgh they've skipped my favorite: Iruel. I just like it when they show the true nature of the MAGI. Next I just hope I can see Arael (but Kaworu has the Lance of Longinus...aaarggh).
One last thing, strange... but I feel this NERV side-character-with-glasses guy is cute **blushing** (perhaps because now they shot it in HD hahaha...). I took some liberty of Japanese manga freedom, you can go shounen-ai, you can go shoujo-ai but it is still normal =P. But hey...for me he is more "interesting" than most people' favorite: Ryoji Kaji =).