Thursday, July 02, 2009

We Demand Freedom!

Ok this part is a little bit satanic on the side.

The basic and the foremost theological question:
Why Eve fell into snake's alluring temptation to eat the forbidden fruit?
even more we have more and more question such as:
Why God created the snake?
Why God created the forbidden fruit?
Why God even created men?
And the conspiracy theory question:
Did God plan all these events?

But my question is: why we should be punished because of our freedom? It's true at some level too much freedom will result in havoc and chaotic world. But what if our faith rob us our capability to think and be creative?
What is wrong with chaos? What will this order bring us to?

Homo homini lupus est, man is a wolf to (his fellow) man. Yes, human nature is dark indeed. We put our need high beyond the need of others. At most of all, our need is boundless and limitless. But on the other side, human is the only known creature of the earth that would sacrifice his/herself unto the need of others.

Once a Jehova's Witness asked me a question "Do you believe in heaven and hell?". Intrigued by the question I answered "Yes". And then he asked again "What make you believe, that by living a merely 60-70, or say 100 at max, years of life will grant you eternal happiness or suffering in heaven or hell?"
A very good point indeed. I REALLY smiled at that time.

This question, and other thoughts gave birth to Jehova's Witness, not to mention others such as Mormonic Church, Scientology, and even Satanic Church.
Why? Because we CAN think of others way to recognize our God. Is it wrong? Then why God gives us capability to think? Just to be mindless drones that will follow everything that He said?

Religion is a powerful thing. Why? Simply because it offers ultimate prize: eternal happiness, free from all this worldly sufferings. But in order to gain the prize, we offer in exchange our obedience. What do you think is the reason so powerful enough that will make a man willing to be a human bomb, blasting himself along with hundreds of other people?
Unfortunately, it is not God's play, it is men's play.

It's tiresome sometimes to listen to our preachers. You must not do this.. you must not try that. Some even says that God forbids you to go to cinema! Yes! Just create god the way that you like. More prohibitions means less chance for your youths to do something wrong right?
So sickening! Madness!
Why do you think God will care about how we dress? While so many people out there without clothes? Can He, the omnipotent one, gives them clothes to wear?
And why do you think that He, oh so caring one, will listen to your daily grumble while so many people out there screaming because of famine and disease?
From this discontent, we've been creating our own golden calves!
If the preachers can define the God. Or even if the Bookwriters can define the God. Why nowadays human can't define their own God?

Do you think now the religion is the important thing? Or the fruit of your faith?
I believe in this world, it is human play. Whatever the fuel source is.
How to resolve famine? Simply by sharing your food!
And the food is the same no matter whether the source is satanic or Godly.

If the teachings of God do not lead to a better mankind, those are trashes.
If the man-made teachings can lead to a better mankind, those worth the try.
Why should we be punished for that?!