Friday, June 22, 2012

In Good Times: Run...

Olahraga yang paling gw benci. Gw hanya berlari karena olahraga ini dianggap olahraga aerobik "normatif". Bukan apa, kembali karena kaki ceper yang selalu mengakibatkan lecet dimana2.

Event lari terakhir gw adalah Tri-Factor Run 2011 21 km. Dan setelah itu karena kesibukan pekerjaan, badan menggelembung, sehingga sudah malas untuk berlari lagi. Dan di awal2 tahun ini untuk memulai kembali, rasanya sulit dan bahkan impossibru. Just face it lah, hari ke hari badan bertambah tua.

April adalah lari pertama gw di tahun 2012. Tidak jauh, hanya 2.4 km. Tapi alamak, memulai kembali dari 0. 800m nafas sudah mulai ngos2-an, sebagian jalan, dan sisanya lari lambat sekali. At the end, nyaris pingsan.

Tapi kenyataan yang membahagiakan adalah, walaupun mulai kembali dari 0, progress sepertinya jauh lebih cepat meningkat. Not bad..not bad...

Mount Faber Run 10 km 2012 hari Minggu kemarin finish dengan waktu 1:10:35. Sabtu sehari sebelumnya gw ditanya seorang teman: "Lu udah latihan belum?". Dan gw baru sadar alamak sebenarnya gw tidak latihan khusus untuk lari ini. Tidak pernah sekalipun tahun ini gw mencoba lari 10 km, bahkan di treadmill sekalipun.

So yup, that run was my first 10km ever in year 2012. Target gw sebenarnya adalah 1 jam. Missed by 10 minutes, shoot! Ok lah boleh dicari alasan karena terrain-nya uphill/downhill sampai mendaki ke "Mount Faber". Tapi rasanya ... hmm koq alasan yah.

Gw mulai terlambat 4 menit. Ketika "teeeeet" start, gw masih asyik2 nitip tas dan benerin bib. Deket2 water point di atas Mount Faber, gw ketemu (ini catch up lhoo.. dia start duluan) seorang rekan se-tim dragon boat. Say hi2...chit chat...dan melanjutkan lari. Entah karena kiasu atau gw laper pingin sarapan, akhirnya gw finish lebih duluan daripada dia, yang mengakibatkan ada gosip sorenya: "Waah...finish duluan...".

Yup sorenya masih harus cipak2 air dengan dayung (pulang, sarapan, tidur satu jam, makan siang, udah harus pergi lagi). Makanya lari pagi itu, separoh2 simpan tenaga, takut mati sorenya.
Daan.... sorenya paha kiri gw kram! Shoot! Kram di big muscle itu benar2 sakit, dan recovery-nya jauh lebih lambat. Si teman yang lari itu juga kram.... hahahaha....

Rasanya untuk lari gw akan mencoba hal yang baru tahun ini. Kalau tahun lalu yang penting adalah jarak, tahun ini gw bakal mencoba untuk fokus ke konsistensi.

Target: full marathon Standard Chartered Marathon 2012. Sudah dua tahun gagal ikut, tahun ini ada kesialan apa lagi.
Setidaknya setiap tahun mencoba 1x saja full marathon.

Gw coba build up agenda:

1. Marina 21K (bareng dengan teman masa muda dulu-kah?)

Agustus -- break... libur lebaran

2. Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 10K (udah daftar)
3. Mizuno Wave Run 16K (udah daftar, sepaket dengan Mount Faber Run)

4. Newton Run 30K/Adidas KOTR 16.5K (??? tanda tanya besar, terlalu dekat ke SRR soalnya)

5. PAssion Run 9K+21K (90% ikutan kayanya)

6. Standard Chartered Marathon!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's a Baby Girl!

Now I am officially an uncle of two! Bohohoho... uncle...

What made me even happier, when I called my mom, they were all there at the hospital. Mom, dad, bro, sis-in-law, little Catherine, and baby girl.
How I wish to be there. But hearing my dad taking more responsible of taking care my mom makes me feel 'grateful' not to be there also :P.

Our small family is growing bigger. Now I have to add 14th of June as important date on my calendar.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Indonesia Team @ DBS Regatta 2012

Someone took the video:

Once again salute for Indonesia team. A handful number of people, yet inspire so many!

Trial Result

From the vice captain last night:

1st 862m: 3m50s
2nd 862m: 3m 46s
3rd 862m: 4m01s

1min pull up: 4 reps (half)
1min squats: 71 reps
1min crunches: 87 reps
1 min push up: 55 reps
1 min flutter: 75 reps

I hate the sudden drop on the 3rd round run, should keep it under 4 mins.... breathe.

Pull up, yeah major disaster

Push ups, actually I did 60, but I self-discounted 5 for the probability of "not doing the full movement", same with crunches.

Last weekend rowing trial result:

Leftie 500 m, with current, Bedok reservoir: 5m15s.
Usually I don't care about these numbers, but since it is provided, let see if we can improve these results in the future.


"Land training for SRR will be different... It would cover shorter distance with more explosive kind of workouts."

WHAT?!?!?!? And now they mention River Regatta...*fainted 

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Would You Change...

If -hypothetically- you were in a relationship with someone? Would you alter your life course, goals, personal principles, etc for the sake of the relationship?
Then would it mean that you were losing your identity?

Perhaps yes, because after being alone for so long, we are afraid to become lonely again.

I don't know, it seems there is no correct answer for this.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Pink Dot is Coming (again)!

This year promotional video is a bit gloomy. But according to the director: "it is meant to address some important and very real issues (link here)."

Last year I was enthusiastic because the ambassadors was my favourite local actresses: Dim Sum Dollies (miss you always Emma Yong). This year, on a weird occasion, I was at one of the Pink Dot's launch campaign, and I still remember Sharon Au (one of this year ambassadors) shouted: "I love gaaayss..... because all of my best friends are gaaaays!!" Hahahaha...

As a foreigner I am not allowed to participate. And even though fairy godmother Dorothy dropped by and gave me the opportunity, I would be reluctant to participate. Why? Somehow I fell back home we also have the same struggle and unfinished homework. There are some muffled voices that need to be heard.

This pink dot is not my dot. The elements to form "my dot" are still scattered as hookers at Taman Lawang, beauticians at low class beauty parlour, joke materials-cum-singers at public transports, etc. This materials are not the smiling pictures of  "normal" gay prides. There is no glamour-sparkling-rainbow on it.

You might wonder, instead of working as lawyers, doctors, architects, consultants, why they work on such ridiculous jobs? Why?

Indonesia doesn't have laws to criminalize LGBT people, but the treatment can be (is) much worse. And there are some groups who want to have law to criminalize LGBT people in this 21st century!

I believe as a nation we should sail forward, we will need every potential and capability to make this happen. Imagine a ship with determined crews versus a ship with crews who are fighting with each other. Which one will sail faster? And we really-really-desperately need to catch up with other nations. There is no time to lose.

Speaker's Corner (where the Pink Dot is held) is just a walking distance from my home. However on 30th of June there is something on my agenda. I am not sure if I can drop by this year. But if I am able to, I hope I can take some interesting pictures.

Wish you the best of luck Singapore!

Friday, June 01, 2012


No matter how expensive is your clothing, if your body shape is not nice, it will not look good. However if your body shape is nice, you will look good even though you are not wearing any clothes.

-self GSS reminder