Sunday, June 14, 2009

Flat Feet

When I was in primary school, on field exercise we were asked to walk on a plank. It was a balance exercise, and I failed miserably on doing that. I was so confused, why other kids could do it with no problem at all. My sport teacher even asked me why i could not do it properly. After went home, I even trained at home using wooden plank, but again I could not do it properly.

The problem continues even until now. I just can't do balance position such as aeroplane position. I also have problem with blade-based shoes such as skate shoes and roller blade.

It was until I did yoga recently that I realized the root of the problem, my flat feet! And oh my goodness, it is so simple and fundamental that I missed it and kept blaming myself for unable to do balance related things.

The reason why i realized it during yoga was because during yoga class everyone came barefooted. As expected, during balance position I did awfully, and when I looked at others feet I realized the problem.
I have two balance points on the right and left side on each of my foot! And both balance points are unstable as they can shift to one another. To maintain balance, I have to "lean" to one point, and because I am leaning, my posture become unstable. To correct the balance, I change my leaning to other point, and so on.

Refuse to accept the bitter truth, I am now trying to lean to one point and keep the balance there. Basically it kills my foot since only small part on the side of my foot which support the whole body's weight. But with proper concentration (really concentrate) I can manage to prolong the balance even though not as perfect as everyone else.

The other challenge is to do running. I also realized that since the weight of my body is not well distributed, my feet are not as shock proof as everyone else. Usually on the 3rd km my right thigh joint begin to ache, and I have to stop because of the ache instead of running out of breath. Right now I am still finding out why it always happens on the right thigh joint, instead of the left.

Sometimes I hate my body, it's so full of genetic flaws: flat feet, arms that can bend outward (which make push up harder), and lactose intolerance (which makes me always having bad diarrhea after drinking fresh milk).

But at the end, I just have to live with it =).