Sunday, April 25, 2010

No hard feeling, but it's all about the metric dear...

"I don't want to have kid(s)." once I said to my parents. And they said "Just see, your mindset will change as you grow older." But at this stage of life, 20+x going to 20+x+1 whereas x> 5, I really really really don't want to have a kid.

Perhaps I should share it to you: my future never-will-be child, why i don't want to be your parent. It's not because i don't love you nor because i'm selfish nor because i'm not afraid to die alone. But it's because: i consider every day, every single day in my life up until now, as NOT-interesting. And I truly hope that you will not suffer the same fate as me.

Our society and civilization has evolved so much. And at current date, at its glorious so called modern state, do you see what i see?
Twenty years back you could sell sweet soya sauce by claiming: "My sweet soya sauce is the best!"
However at current age, people will throw back your claim at your face and say "Uh-huh..what is the support of your claim?" Which is in simple term: you have to translate the term: BEST into something that can be understood by common people: NUMBERS!
For soya sauce the translation can be varies:
  • The average change of number where the husband is eating home-cook food in one week from 1000 families.
  • The average change of family members' body weight after a month using the given soya sauce.
  • Or whatever as long as it displays good numerical properties.
So you can see my dear child, nowadays all the advertisements are not stating qualitative terms but rather displaying quantitative terms such as surveys, analytical results, etc.

This lead to another discussion: how do we value our own life?
My dear child, the greatest sin in our current society is not about blasphemy, denying so called holy ghost, etc.
But more into: sitting in false positions in too many properties (dimensions) of our society bell curves.
In other words: for a given property, you can't afford to be a standard more-over sub-standard. You have to be over the standard.

So if your intelligence = standard, face = standard, body = standard, communication ability = standard, etc1 = standard, etc2 = standard, ... etcn = standard, you know that you're in deep shit.
Yup my dear child, it is can be seen in our current society professional lives. Professor is someone whose intellectuality is over the standard, porn star is someone whose body and face are over the standard, etc.
If you are within standard, then welcome to join millions of other robotic-like, clone-like "ordinary" employees. If you are a sub-standard, then you're a trash.

My dear child,
since the very early stage of your life, you will be calculated, converted into numerical values so called marks. Yup, your quality is nothing more than numbers in your report sheet. Will i care about your desires, dreams, about how you treat others, or about how you view this world? Suddenly it will look like the soya sauce advertisement. No, i will not be able to understand you. I will choose the easiest path: by numerical values.

And since it is in numerical values, it will become easy to compare you and the others. Suddenly you will be placed inside the famous bell curve. The problem is the bell curve will shift according to the sample values. In other word, if you are a top in one property, you will be grouped with other tops and suddenly you become standard again. So what is the limit? What is the goal?

I also don't know. But say: if you were a top student in Stanfart, Hardfart, Institut Tai Burung, Not-Up-to-Standard, i would say that I am proud you! Because at that state, you stand as the over-standard outliers from thousands, millions perhaps, of people.

This will break my heart into pieces.

I really don't want to convert you into such values. I really want to consider you as an uniqueness. For whatever bell curves, you are always over the standard for me.
But yeah, i have to admit, the society doesn't permit me to. Even if i can protect you, but i can't protect you from society. When you go out, to find a job for example, you will be converted again, and the mighty bell curves will be put on you.
It is a slavery, we are the slaves, and our society is the master.

I always like the story where the hero is fighting monsters with strong righteous heart, or undead with faith. But currently we are fighting each other with yeah...metric. The numerical properties of our "self". There is no place for non-understandable terms like righteous heart, faith, etc.

I don't like this world. I do wish to be able to see other worlds, where metric will fail, where something else prevails. Perhaps in the other world there exists a method to view this world other than metric and numbers. Perhaps...and perhaps...

At the end, as silly as it seems, I do hope we can fight monsters and undead together, in the other world.