Sunday, August 16, 2009

Necrophilia: to love death

When I spent my vacation back at Jakarta (well 50-50, Jakarta and Tangerang), I read an opinion article about recent bombing at JW Mariott and Ritz Carlton Jakarta. Well, as an Indonesian, bombing is kind of practical joke already. It just went off: BOOOM! And that's all, life goes on as usual. Who cares anyway?!

The article's title is quite intriguing, containing a word "Necrophilia". Which at that time made me wonder, who the hell in Indonesia just fucked with dead people? But as I read, I was a little bit disappointed because nobody fucked with corpse (aaaawww...), instead the article mentions necrophilia as people who side with death, who choose to embrace death instead of life.

"Terorisme merupakan sebuah paham yang mencintai kematian, kerusakan, kehancuran atau apa yang sering kita dengar sebagai nekrofilia.

Kaum teroris membenci kehidupan (biofilia) yang tidak sesuai dengan harapannya dan merasa hanya memiliki satu cara untuk menghadapinya, yakni menghancurkan segala sesuatu."

And since it is published in Kompas, it is plausible to guess that the contents tipped to one side: that this way of thinking is incorrect, and that current society must fight terrorism act (a.k.a necrophilia way).

Since I also side with destruction (WHAT? but it's true), for me this article is a big common fart. I don't agree with terrorism (selected destruction), but I agree with the destruction of everything (for example: triggering a big crunch so that the entire universe collapse into a singularity).

To put the mirror in front of our face: is it true that our society is biophilia (pro-life)? Or that we are living on illusion that we ARE pro-life?

The question starts at the beginning of human life.
When a parent conceive a child, does the child agree to be conceived?
Should the child agree to be conceived, does the child know the consequence of his/her future life?
Should the child feels disappointed of his/her life, why there is no escape mechanism for his/her to just cease to exist?

Seeing the recent bombing, there are pictures -pun intended- of a renowned man with his bloody-battered-disfigured head sitting on side of the road. Was the man victim of the bombing? Yes. Is it the bomber's fault? No. It is the consequence of his choice to live. Should he was asked by God whether he wanted to life or not at the first place, and he answered "Yes" (so that he came to life). Then all the sufferings are the consequences of that answer. He chose that. If not it was just a bad outcome of probability, and there is no God except the probability itself.

Who want to be born with poor parents?
Who want to be born with HIV?
Who want to be born and hanged down?
Who want to be born and sawed upside down into two parts?
Who want to be born, raped, mutilated?
Who want to be born, and stoned to death?

What is wrong with people who choose death? Because they force other people to death as well? And how can you justify the people who force other people to live? Copulating while hiding behind the "standard" of society? We state that our intentions are noble, to create future generation that will create a better world. Whilst in deep down in our heart, we just want somebody to take care of us when we are old. Very very egoistic huh?!

It is the real face of our society. Far beneath the dazzling of so-called normal life, we as society are blinded from the truth itself.

It is like when you're buying a piece of fried chicken at KFC. The society protect you from having to kill the chicken itself. You don't have to experience slitting the chicken throat, seeing it kicking, jerking and bleeding to death. You are being protected from the killing experience so you can eat the chicken conveniently.
The who do all those killings? In our society, we employ people who since they have done so many chicken killings, they get used to it. We call it "industry".
Kill one chicken, you might be scared to death. But after killing hundreds of chicken, you will feel "Hey it just chicken, just slit the throat, and done."

Do you care about the chicken' history? How it once tried to breath the first air by cracking its egg? How it took its first step? How it chirped for the first time?
Do you care about the beauty of life called a chicken?
No's just a delicious meal priced at Rp. 5000. A price for life.

Unfortunately, chicken and human are the same.
Society protect us from experiencing the murders our own kind, and in most common form: under the name of law.
Did we care when Amrozi were "successfully" executed? We cheered right? Even Australia congratulated us.
Did we feel the blood in our hands? Or we just doing business as usual? Our hands on the keyboard, money, stocks, etc.
We feel innocent, because we don't have to kill. Even the firing squad are freed, since our society smartly put only one sharp bullet on randomly selected rifle, while the rest of the rifles contained empty bullet.

Do we try to understand why Amrozi did that? Do we even care about his life?
Same as chicken, we can't bother to think about that. Because in this case we need to eat safely without any bombing threat.

It is true that he deserved punishment, but out of all possibility why our society chose death?
We think that the terrorist doesn't conform with our law, thus we decided to destroy it.
Who is the necrophile here?

Death is merely a tool in our society, since everybody is afraid of it. It is so effective that we can't stop using it.

In other word: we love it too.
And our society claimed oh-so-arrogantly that the "innocents" were the victims of terrorist attack.
Do we really that innocent? Or the sin is already in our hand?

It is the curse of living. To die in horrible way. And there is no escape from it. To say that we want to live happily until we die of old age is a faint hope of good fortune.

For me, I still want to dream about the end of everything. How to deny God's creation plan.
I really hate this life.