Saturday, February 21, 2009

Career change? Di umur segini?

Nemu post berikut di sebuah forum:

"Here's my heartfelt sharing about my similar situation:

I'll be 33 this yr and have been working in a dead-end job for almost 2 yrs.
Pay is really low, getting WAY below what my peers are getting (I just found this out accidentally today btw from a colleague), horrible dept politics, lots of backstabbing, my bosses do not appreciate my work and dun think much (if any at all) of me.
Contract is ending soon.
I am so disheartened, so discouraged. No words can possibly describe how despondent I feel.

Fortunately, I have saved up enough and will pursue further studies (Masters) fulltime at a local U after my contract ends.
I would still have to work part time to support myself, even though i still have savings to tide me over for a while.
Bold move at my age? You bet.
I could have just looked for another job but i choose to follow my heart and passion to pursue my studies in an area that is v close to my heart.
Hoping that this will pay off in a yr's time, when I get to move back into an industry that I regretfully stepped out from about 2 yrs back.
Was a mistake, and I told myself never to make that kind of mistake ever again.

I know that if and when i move back into that industry that i so love, the pay has always not been great but I know with my passion and strength in this area, i will do well and excel.
Rather than being stuck in a totally dead-end job with totally unappreciative bosses.
I really cannot allow myself to remain here, and i choose to do this even in such bad times
Because I know there will be blue skies ahead, esp so for ppl who persevere smile.gif
I can only wait for it to happen to me."

Dibandingkan dengan si post-er:
  1. "umur 33" vs umur gw sekarang: 25
  2. "pay is really low" vs my take-home-pay was NOT really low
  3. "horrible dept politics" = yes, me too
  4. "lots of backstabbing" = yes, but my back was stab-proof (tapi gw percaya kalo kepleset sedikit aja....)
  5. "my boss dun appreciate much and dun think much".... hmmm gw nda deh, untung dapet bos bae.
  6. "contract is ending soon", same with my case.
  7. "i have saved up enough and will pursue further studies (Masters) fulltime at a local U after my contract ends", my case: i have saved enough and will pursue further studies fulltime at foreign U <-- ga jadi beli mobil deh... tapi gpp.... mobil is soo last year, kita kan harus go green!
  8. "i would still have to work part time to support myself", same goes for me. Walaupun tingkat urgensinya nda begitu tinggi. Tapi berusaha untuk memaksa diri untuk mengatakan harus. Bagi gw urgensi-nya bukan di urusan duid, tapi lebih ke pengenalan terhadap budaya kerja asing (bahasa, etos kerja, dll). Kalo dipecat pas kerja part-time mah santaaiii.... (asal bukan karena nyolong aja).. tapi kalo dipecat pas kerja full-time? Wah repot ini.
  9. "i could have just looked for another job but i choose to follow my heart and passion to pursue my studies in an area that is v close to my heart", sayangnya untuk gw.. I don't know where my passion and heart are. Alasan untuk kembali ke sekolah semata-mata karena dulu pas kerja sering berpikiran "aaarrrggghh... mestinya ini bisa di-automatisasi".
Tidak disangka2 di dunia ini koq ada yang mengalami nasib yang mirip yah... en mungkin gw harus merasa beruntung karena berada dalam kondisi yg lebih baik.
Huff... di umur 25 menuju 26, dan masih belum menemukan kemapanan hidup. Huaaaa..... terkadang merasa iri hati dengan orang-orang yang bisa.

Alasan keluar dari pekerjaan pertama lebih ke masalah pribadi keluarga daripada masalah teknis dengan perusahaan (en ini yang bikin gw males menjelaskan kalo gw interview kerjaan baru).