Saturday, November 03, 2012

There's a time to come to Singapore, and there's a time to leave

Kemarin nonton adaptasi Singapura dari Stephen Sondheim's Company(wikipedia). Cukup bagus walaupun dalam kondisi normal mungkin gw bisa lebih menikmati.

Masalahnya baru seminggu-dua minggu gw mulai recover dari "depresi". Well, mungkin tidak separah depresi beneran (secara gw juga ngga ke psikolog), tapi kondisi mental masih rapuh.
Well I was seriously seriously down few weeks ago....

Jadi ditambah nonton drama beginian, yang plot-nya tidak terlalu ceria, frustrasi, ironi, dll. Aduh.

Karena ini adaptasi, New York menjadi Singapura. Dan hebatnya klasik adalah New York tahun 1970 kurang lebih sama dengan Singapura 2012:

It's a city of strangers,
Some come to work, some to play.
A city of strangers,
Some come to stare, some to stay.
And every day
The ones who stay
Can find each other in the crowded streets and the guarded parks,
By the rusty fountains and the dusty trees with the battered barks,
And they walk together past upholstered walls with the crude remarks.
And they meet at parties through the friends of friends who they never
(Another Hundred People)

Cape Cod diubah menjadi Ipoh. Dan kalimatnya Kathy menjadi:
"There's a time to come to Singapore, and there's a time to leave."

Dan gw bertanya2 kepada diri sendiri. Dimana tempat gw di Singapura? Apakah gw bisa beradaptasi dengan ritme kehidupan di sini? Ataukah gw merasa out of place?
Apakah gw hanya datang ke sini untuk bekerja dan bermain? Dan ketika cape bermain atau ingin serius menjalani kehidupan, gw sebenarnya tidak cocok di sini?
Dimana kaki gw akan membawa gw, tapi dimana juga tempat yang akan gw panggil rumah?
Is it here? Or will it be somewhere else?

Dan pertanyaan terbesar: "Who will be my 'company'?" Hahahaha... gw masih 29 tahun dan belum 35 tahun seperti di dalam cerita. Should I be worried? Or should I not? How if I can't really find somebody? How if nobody wants me?

There you go... depressing thoughts.

And my favourite song from Company: Sorry-Grateful. Pertama kali kenal dari kursus musik dulu pas masih muda.

Harry, you ever sorry you got married?

You're always sorry,
You're always grateful,
You're always wondering
What might have been--
Then she walks in.

And still you're sorry,
And still you're grateful,
And still you wonder
And still you doubt--
And she goes out.

Everything's different, nothing's changed.
Only maybe slightly rearranged.

Mungkinkah demikian? Dan gw sedikit tersenyum. It's not just applicable to marriage. It's applicable to everything including job and city.

You're always sorry and grateful. Nothing is ever perfect.